Data rules our world

February 28, 2022

We've had a lot of questions in the past around what the IP we acquired is and how it actually fits into our broader vision. Thanks to the tremendous efforts of our engineering team, we were able to do our first demo of the platform with a VC who also has a credit fund and they came away incredibly impressed. The technology has the ability to essentially provide real-time surveillance on underlying small business borrowers, breaking down their receivables, payables, inventory, machinery, etc., graphed out over time with the ability to flag any anomalies along the way.

We will have the ability to use this technology to first sell into the regional banks and commercial banks, whose loans are often times larger than $5-10M each. In doing so, we're going to learn the nuances of how the platform works and how we can bring this technology stack over to our existing platforms. All the work we've done thus far on surveillance has relied upon our originators to be honest and transparent in their performance. The ability to leverage this technology and bolster our software offering for originators with real-time surveillance is going to fundamentally transform our relationship with them. It's no longer a relationship built on trust and just their word, it's built on facts and reality, and we will be so much better off because of it.

In the all-hands this week, we will do the same demo we do for VCs and I'm excited for you all to get a first hand look at how valuable this technology is and what it can become for the future of our company.

Let's go get it this week 💪


Team, vision, product.... and revenue